
True Life: I live in New York

The following quotes are just a few more reasons I hate trendy people,
Reason # 15: (The following was a conversation I heard between two students before one of my classes.
"Yeah... I usually go to the Hamptons on the weekends."
"I like not having friday classes also, because everyone goes hard on thursdays at Rutgers."
Translation: "I'm extremely wealthy, so I spend every weekend, even though it's winter, on the beach."
" I fooled you by wearing these extremely expensive boots and carrying a chanel purse, I am trashy."
No offense to Rutgers... but really? Rutgers?
Reason # 16: They've become so fucking stereotypical. (More at a later date, but for now, just a quote)
"I'm studying gender and queer studies, with an emphasis on women in the post-colonial Caribbean."
(I'm sorry. I fail to see the connection between all these things. Is it just that they all make you sound pretentious?)
Reason #17: Just. SO much stupidity. Can't. Even. Joke.
Teacher: "So let's go around and say why we took this class about the history of the Caribbean and its exploitation." (You might be asking yourself, why this sounds like the douche-iest class ever! Is it really as pretentious as it sounds? Yes is the answer, yes. It is.)
The majority of people go around and say something along the lines of having family there, studying the area as a part of a history major, then there were these 2 instances:
Situation 1:
Student from L.A.: "Well I was really hoping to go to the Caribbean this summer, so like, I just like, wanted to like know more before I went!"
Teacher: "Oh where are you going?" (probably figuring like Haiti, you know because of that whole HUGE disaster thing, or maybe because her family's from there, like everyone else in the class...)
Student: "Probably Bahamas or maybe Jamaica!"
(Everyone is quiet. We spend the next hour destroying the idea of tourism in the caribbean. Have a great summer girlie!)
Situation 2:
Male student dressed in tight jeans, an "ironic" backwards hat, and lots of make up. "Yeah so, I'm in this class because I'm from Puerto Rico, and I'm a film major, and I'm writing a screenplay about a young guy who comes to America from Puerto Rico and sort of his post-colonial dreams."
  1. What the fuck is all this talk about post-colonial?
  2. Someone writing a screenplay. How original.
  3. Trendy people always assume that if they write something about their lives, people will want to read it... not so true
Just a few more reasons why trendy people are so darn great. So proud of my classmates. Not.

1 comment:

  1. It seems that post-anything is sophisticated and esoteric, thus making it cool. But we all know this is complete bullshit.
