
I'm mellllltinggggg

Why I hate trendy people Reason #20: Terrible hygiene.
I think it's time for hipsters to finally admit it. They hate to shower just as much as hippies. How many times have I walked into a restaurant sniffed around and assumed I'd see some peace loving, flowy clothes rocking, patchouli heads and instead had my eyes affronted by American Apparel and side swept bangs? I understand that grungy is back in again. But there is a limit. If you are going to not shower, shouldn't you at least be a little bit ashamed? There are people around you on the subway, PLEASE refrain from lifting your arms! I could understand if hipsters were all about the natural lifestyle like aforementioned tree huggers, however, their culture is all about consumption, attention to detail, and many many articles of clothing. Shouldn't attention to hygiene go along with that?
I'm putting my foot down hipsters. If you want to comb your hair across your face, wash it. I don't want to see your oily bangs clinging to your forehead for dear life as you ironically wear your mom's blouse from the mid-90s. One ugly thing at a time people. So trendy kids, if you want to be cool it seems you must forgo the daily rinse, and show off the luscious oil. Slobs, let's take back our God given right to be dirty. Make those trendsters shower. Maybe we'll get lucky, maybe the water will melt them, then coolness will forever be eradicated.

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